Complete Guide to Playing Sakong on the Best Online Gambling Site 2020 Many bettor may not be very familiar with online Sakong betting games. You do not need to be confused anymore because on this occasion we have conveyed an explanation about betting betting trusted online gambling sites.

Complete Guide to Playing Sakong on the Best Online Gambling Site 2020
This card betting game originated from China and has been played since hundreds of years ago. This online gambling can be called 3 kings based on its name, Sa is 3 while Kong means king. The pattern of the game is not much different from other online betting games because it combines enough cards to win bets.

Card Types with the Sakong Game Jackpot Online Gambling Site
If you are interested in playing Sakong online don't need to worry because the technical game is quite easy. This online betting game provides several types of cards that make a big profit from the jackpot. Here we have conveyed an explanation regarding what cards that make a jackpot profit.

3 picture cards

Guide to Playing Sakong Online on a Trusted Site
If you already know the type of social card, then we submit about how to play Sakong betting game online. In this online sakong game the value of 10 is the highest value. Each player who gets a card value of 10 will get a double fee from the online bookies Joker123.

Each player will get 3 cards poker (playing) with the provisions of 2 sheets while 1 card in a closed condition. The closed card becomes an opportunity to open it slowly. With our playing cards, it's easier to understand the flow and technicalities of the game.

The online Sakong betting game table can be played with a minimum of 2 players while the maximum number is 8. As with bookies gambling, there will be players who occupy the bookie position. Occupying the position of the city there are provisions that must be obeyed, which has a greater bet capital than other players.

How to Calculate the Value of Sakong Betting Games Online

The next discussion is knowing the number of cards in the online Sakong game. How to count betting game online gambling sites is quite easy. The players will get 3 cards. If the card obtained creates a triple combination (3 twin cards), for example As-As-As, QQQ, KKK, and so on, then the winning count is different.

If you get triple J, the calculation is worth twice as much as any other combination. However, if you get a triple US, then the pay is greater, exactly 3 times the capital bet. Let's say you put up Rp.500,000 in capital and get As-As-As, then you get paid Rp1,500,000.

The winner of this online Sakong betting game is determined by the value of the card. Usually the winner counts are based on numbers 1 to 9 and not from 0 to 9. The number of online Sakong betting game cards is different from the bookmaking betting game Agen Joker123.

If you get a special card but before playing don't buy the jackpot, still the jackpot bonus isn't given. Therefore, before playing, regardless of whether you get a special card or not, buy the jackpot according to the nominal stated. If you get a special card, the jackpot will be obtained.

The jackpot bonus count that you get is based on how many total jackpots at the online Sakong betting table. Remember, at each online sakong table the jackpot nominal varies so the players must determine which jackpot you want to get.

Just like that explanation that we can convey on this occasion. We wish you the pleasure and enjoy of betting gambling on the Most Trusted Online Gambling Sites in Indonesia.